
Transform Your Text into Tests in Seconds

Empower your learning process with the power of AI. Turn your study materials or business documents into dynamic multiple-choice quizzes in a flash.

Simplified Uploading

Drag and drop your PDFs, .txt, and .docx files effortlessly onto our platform.

Intelligent Question Generation

Our cutting-edge AI analyses your text, understanding context and content to generate multiple-choice questions that challenge and reinforce learning.

Adaptive Learning

The AI-powered engine recognizes the key points in your documents, generating relevant questions that adapt to the depth and complexity of the information.

Instant Grading

Get immediate feedback on your answers, highlighting your strengths and areas for improvement.

Secure Data

Your documents are always secure with us, as we uphold stringent data privacy practices.

Share & Collaborate

Easily share quizzes with peers or team members to foster collaborative learning or training.

© 2023 made with ♥ by  IndieCollective